They find a Roman gold earring analogous to those that appear in Egyptian portraits of more than 1,800 years ago in Bulgaria

They find a Roman gold earring analogous to those that appear in Egyptian portraits of more than 1,800 years ago in Bulgaria

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The find evidences that the women of the remote colony of Deultum, in the east of modern Bulgaria, followed the fashion trends of the Roman Empire.

The archaeologists working in the Deultum archaeological siteIn eastern Bulgaria, they found a very special slope in their ancient Roman baths.

It is a golden object with three pendants finished in glass beads similar to pearls. It also had a glass paste insert, of which only remains remain.

"The jewel is extremely exquisite and very well preserved," the Deultum-Debelt National Archaeological Reserve, which carries out the excavations, posted on its Facebook page. He adds that similar earrings can be seen in the famous portraits of Fayum, posthumous effigies of people buried in that Egyptian oasis between the 1st and 4th centuries. The similarity "allows for interesting dating and interpretations," the scientists note.

In a comment to the Bulgarian National Radio, the director of the Reserve, Krasimira Kostova, specified that a similar earring appears in a portrait from the second century.

Also, the researcher supposes that the jewel was lost before the years 357-358, when the hot springs were destroyed by an earthquake. Kostova emphasizes that the finding in Bulgaria of a jewel similar to another painted in Egypt shows the global character of the Roman world.

"We interpret the discovery of a gold earring similar to the earrings depicted in a Fayum mummy portrait as evidence that the female inhabitants of the Roman colony of Deultum followed fashion trends in the Roman Empire," Kostova noted. .

Video: Ancient Egyptian Jewellery